This guy who looks like Bryce Harper is really weird

Oliver Connolly
2 min readMay 9, 2016


I mean seriously, what the fuck?

Is this guy a psychopath? Who goes to a ball game in full uniform, eye black, under armour, and Brycey Bryce hair cut?

I think this guy is sick.

I think this guy has a problem.

Don’t come at me with the “look alike” money making bullshit.

Is anything more pointless in life than a celebrity look alike? I mean, so they turn up to your party looking like Michael Douglas, and then what? There’s just some guy at your party looking like Michael fuckin’ Douglas.

Even worse when they imitate athletes.

At least with actors they are all interchangeable, and most of it comes down to luck or looks. If you look like an actor you are 75% of the way there.

But an athlete, and an MVP one at that, where do you get off? You didn’t ride the buses. You didn’t put in the blood sweat and tears. You haven’t orchestrated a full on assault to Make Baseball Fun Again.

And what’s in it for the public? So you get a picture with this guy and post it online or show your friends. So what? You have a picture with some guy who looks a little bit like Bryce Harper and was insane enough to go to a game dressed as him? What kind of bullshit is that?

This psychopath needs to rounded up.

No doubt he’ll be featured on the big screen. No doubt some shitty Fox Sports affiliate will put him on their broadcast with some dumb white ex-player saying how cool it is. I bet the Nationals even arrange some photo-op for their Instagram page with “Bryce” and Bryce.

This is exactly the kind of shit Bryce wants to eradicate. Exactly the type of shit he hates.

I’m here for you man, I feel your pain.

Get this weirdo out of the ballpark and all of the folk wearing full uniforms.



Oliver Connolly

Senior Football Analyst at Cox Media’s sports vertical’s: All-22 (NFL) and SEC Country.